20 June 2006

Gathering my thoughts!

OK, I know I have been one of the most regular bloggers, perhaps to regular at times. Somehow it seems that we are all loosing touch of one another, whether it is a good thing or not, I do not know and somehow I do not have the power to stress about it. Just accept life the way it is meant to be.

To have a quick recap on all the latest new regarding my life and which ain't a lot except for work, is that I did eventually received my KTM parts and believe it or not I went shopping mad and another delivery is yet on its way. Really COOL Helmet though and clothing. I think it is about time that I have purchased some clothing though. Work has been keeping me really busy and now time to really worry about crap. I was told earlier that I should again set out to get a permanent woman around me, because it does have its advantages although it might not seem that way. For one is that by having a woman aorund does indeed help with stress relieve the majority of the time if they are quite easy going, but my fear is that I haven't ever heard of an quite easy going woman. Most of the time they are just FULL OF SHIT and I just can not deal with this as well. ALLES KLAR and not open for any discussion. Like a friend ask me today (whom by the way I haven't spoken too since early days in Mauritius) if I'm married or just still with HANNELI......It is kind of a AFRIKAANS Joke meaning your hand......Naja, OK

So, second on my list is that since I'm addicted to RED BULL and can't sleep at night and wake up very poorly in the mornings, it gives me a lot of time to think about a lot shit in life. And for starters I decided not to blog again about Deutschland Football, because FREEDOM of SPEECH disappeared and there ain't a lot of room for discussion concerning this issues due to so much patriotism and fanatics and I do not want to step on any toes anymore. All that I want to say is that fuck, GHANA really showed incredible soccer against CECHOSLAVAKIA and fuck bru, ARGENTINA Rules. Brazil did not impress me much so far and ENGLAND really looks good as well. GERMANY has a tough one against ECUADOR today and they have to win against this very impressive side to end top of the log. The question is who do you rather want to play in the second round.....If you loose you are OUT. ENGLAND OR SWEDEN. So Deutschland, make your pick and be careful. Enough about football. Dick sport anyway! Game for a pussy. A real man sport is RUGBY and I still will stay with that opinion. PLEASE< DO PROVE ME WRONG!, 'cause I know you can't.......hehehehehehehe, we should call this the pussy world cup....Anyway,

So, I have been wondering what is going on with Jess. I haven't heard from her in a while and I truly hope things are OK that side. Madame, just speak up and say hallo. It ain't that fucking difficult, is it? So it does count for Uma and Heather as well. I have seen her commenting now a couple of times on the Blogging scene, but it ain't enough. OK, no for real!

You know, while driving back home on Monday night I thought about all the reasons why we are doing what we are doing and why our roads crossed with each other and suddenly it slpitted up again leaving a lot of memories behind. I know we have to live our own lives and if it means that our roads will cross someday, then it will . The best and only reason I could have thought of was that we needed to learn something from one another and we should carry it with us forward whatever we are meant to do. We will always forgive, but sure not forget even if times were hard or not. I really miss all of you guys dearly, but not in a sad way and funny enough I am enjoying Tanzania in a very weird and strange way.

One of these months my road will split with a very dear friend and boss who really tought me most of what I know today and there might be a very good chance that I will not see him again or maybe not within the next 2 years or so. To be accpted into someones family and be part of a real close family is quite astonishing, but people actually do mean so much to one another even if they do not realizze it every moment. Once it is gone, you try and fight all the motion and try to get back the good part of life and then you have to realize that it is OVER and move on. You should have learned what you could during your time spent together and take from it what you can. 'Cause only YOU can live your life the way you want too and you are responsible for your own happiness. But at the same time we all get so easy use to our new surroundings and to people, but it is so fucking difficult to let go when things always were good all the way or rather most of the time.

The best is to stipulate your goals and dreams and make that priority number 1 and anyone who wants to join should just hop onto the band wagon and get off when the time calls for it. DON"T LET YOUR GOALS AND DREAMS DISAPEAR FOR NO ONE, NEVER!

Guys, I love y'all and have an absolutely great week.
