21 August 2007

from Hatfield to Maputo to Vaaldam & back........!

I know I have been neglecting this blogsite for quite some time now, but I do not have energy for it. I am too busy!

To be honest, time is from short supply and since being back I just have soooo much to do in the given space of time I have available, purely weekends....... I got a phonecall from Australia the past Friday asking me what the hell is happening......Am I dead with a Jeep on top of me or did I just drink myself to death?

OK, the fact is work is keeping me so busy and I think I got to the stage where I am burned out totally. And I know I can not go on leave.......The next 2 months will be the most crucial in this projects life span and I have to get it under the belt. It is almost that I am fighting for the weekends to stay away, 'cause time goes by in high revs and in 6th gear.

Then there is the weekends......OH my god, based on a lot of alcohol abuse and babes spreaded all over the show. My best mate from Cape Town moved up to Jo'ies to find maybe his fortune......and yeah, he didn't have to look even far 'cause he walked in with a 800Ha farm registered to his name and plans of upgrading the farm's livestock with almost R4mil boost. Ain't he fuckin' lucky? So, weekends are devided into family in Pretoria, Welkom & Cape Town, friends on all the others and it is fickin hard to cut into the week for drinking escapades.......Just call a spade a spade, right?

To be genuinely honest with y'all it is that I feel lost. I do know where is my home, but I do not feel at ease. Being back in SA is incredible, but it is not home and it kills me to say that. It is almost like I am back in the old routine and what life is all about....Money, status and all the shit that was part of the old life. It is almost like I have lost myself yet again in the life I ran away from so many years ago. It almost gets to the point where I want to throw the towel in and just choose another path to follow. But I do not think it is well worth it. Will time tell? I know myself extremely well and I know not to far from now I will get extremely frustrated and then my firends, shit will definately hit the fan with high velocity............Maybe it is just a phase.........Maybe it is time for me to go again........What else can I do?

Ach, so to get the depro down, we go out of the way to make weekends such an incredible time.......Friday I got a phonecall from mates of mine wanting to go party. So we took the road north to Pretoria and hit HATFIELD. Student life is fuckin awesome......Careless & free, that sounded like me a couple of years ago....Hmmmmmm........And we made it to 7am Saturday morning. *am we set the road 600kms to Maputo just for some Braai & breakfast on the beach. Sunday we came back and set off to the Vaaldam for some much needed timeout.....Or that is what we thought......Speedboats and alcohol brother is the name of the game. FUN! Got back home on Sunday night around 11pm.........So this is what our weekends are all about.

I am still alive and just trying to find myself again to form where I was unique. Not just another numbnut that thinks life is all about fame, money & status. I do miss y'all.
