12 April 2006

Assisting my dreams......

Wow, what a busy schedule I had the the past couple of weeks. Believe me when I tell you guys that by now I'm fed up with airports, sitting 2 hours prior to International flights and then of course spending the time in the airoplame.........

It is always exciting going to places different from where you stay, but getting there first is the problem. I have devellop this incredible method of when I get onto a plane, I immediately start to fall asleep and then I wake up when the plane start to decent and then I know....Party Time.

Yeah, I left Thursday to go home for a long weekend and I returned on Monday evening. I really did have fun, but everytime I get home it seems that nothing ever changed except me. It was funny to realise at least that most of my female friends are getting prettier by the day. Not that they are ugly or unattractive at all....No, definately not by far. I think it is because of Tanzania.....No real HOT CHICKS walking past my site office the whole time and it seems like they are only coming out during nightime like VAMPIRES...Ready to suck some blood? Nice, just the way I like it.

Anyway, (stop talking shit Gordon) I met up with 2 of my best friends and well.......things tend to happen after a good couple of RED HEART RUMS and one thing leads to another and well....you all know what follows. No seriously, I enjoy spending time with the people I really know well. On Friday afternoon I went to a Large Audio Chain Store to go and look for a tripod for my HandCAM and I met up (by accident) with a gal I use to be friends with long time ago, but lost touch because of me moving to Johannesburg and then to Maurititius.....(ja, you all know where to else) and I found out that she is married and just had her second child. My god, the world changes so quickly and funny enough she told everyone (who do not even know me by the way) about all our drunk experiances and me sleeping on the side of the road in my car and......No, not everything for you guys!

I have forgotton these memories a long time ago and it was really funny to think back of all THE CRAZY DAYS and to realized that I have friends now around me still that I have met say 9 or 10 years back. Some even longer and I am still in touch with most of them to this day. Anyway, seeing my family, friends and especially my big love, BABSI (that is my dog...Staffordshire Terrier cross with BOXER and my BOXER, Nicholai)...Think back when the vet had to save her from my staffi, because she was too big to be born naturally and I was the first one who held her......And it is unbelievable to see someone or something sooooo happy just to see me and she didn't leave my the whole time side at all even sleeping. (kind of made me think that she didn't want me to go again). So, it was really nice being back home.

So I returned on Monday evening with something up my sleeve. I have great news and I will let you guys know in due time. Lets just say one of my biggest dreams has come true and I am soooo fucking happy with myself. I can honestly tell you guys much more blogging will come from this and it will definately be fun. So, keep 'n'eye.....That's it for now.

OH.....Amu, really glad to receive your email this morning. Really happy!
