05 October 2006

One year on and still.......

Fuck bru, time is really flying. It is the 10th month of 2006 already and I have been here already one complete year. I never would have imagine that I could have stayed here for a complete year and then another 10 months is on its way to completion date or is it maybe in 2008, 2009, 2010.....please not. Then I can actually start applying for dual citizneship. At least Bandara will leave here after me, I will make sure of that..... Sorry my Sri Lankan friend, but from now on I will be the boss.........

Anyway, it was a year filled with some incredible memories that I will cherish forever and with some KAK moments which I already have forgotten, except when I look at my scars. That is what make the expatriate life style so great. You go to all the places that are different from what you know and somehow you learn to survive with the differences in cultures, food, environment and especially with temperatures. Somehow this is really an absolutely KAK place (Dirk and Rieta believes me), but it was in more then one way extremely great and is still great. I mean, in 6 weeks I will go diving with my Project Manager on Mafia island which is truly still deserted in so many ways with untouched beauty that africa and the tropical ocean supplies us with. We will dive for one thing only and that is to see the whale sharks......Just imagine!

I planned to go in December to Mauritus with a friend of mine, but as my luck has it that she couldn't get off in December and our people in France actually decided it was time for work and sent containers full of equipment just before Christmas.....What in the world were they thinking? And then there is the issue of just returning from leave. It is actually called sick leave and that ain't a luctury leave dedicated to special people....Only to stupid enough people who didn't learn that by driving on a PIKI PIKI in Tanzania ain't cool, but fucking stupid. They say that people only learn from pain. Believe me, I have learned from it now. Don't drive at midnight on your bike, only during the day!

But yeah, it was an absolutely great year and I'm looking forward to the next one. Time is running out for my great friends Dirk & Rieta. I think they are happy about it. Most of their furniture is sold and we have just a TV to look at. OH, and tomorrow night I am baby sitting my bru, Dylan, and we will have loads of Heinekins or "Geinekin" (G in afrikaans and "CH" in German and "J" in Spanish) and play playstation the whole night. Maybe I think it is an great idea to invite some strippers to entertain us for the evening......Dylan, if it depends on me I think 6 years are old enough to enjoy a REAL party....You know what I'm saying bru?

Anyhow, I think it was great right somethin down for all you folks out there for a change. It is not that I'm lazy because I didn't wrote, it is just that I'm overworked.......Yeah right, more fun!

Have fun people!


PS: And that is a photo taken this morning to prove that I'm free of the big WHITE POP devil.